World Nautic Center is uw partner voor alles op het gebied van watersport en waterveiligheid. Met 15 jaar ervaring, certificering en snelle orderverwerking is uw bestelling bij ons in juiste handen.
Alles voor de actieve watersporter. Wakeboards - Waterski - Pakken - Zwemvesten - Kneeboards.
Bekijk websiteHet adres voor de watersporter. Elke dag breiden van onze collectie verder voor je uit.
Bekijk websiteIn de wintermaanden benutten wij het water optimaal, schaatsenshop de grootste keuze schaatsen van Nederland en België.
Bekijk websiteHoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft.
Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen.
Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden.
het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd.
Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst.
Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert.
Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie
Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen.
Is het zwemvest voorzien van een beenband die tussen de benen doorloopt?
Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline.
Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort.
Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft.
Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen.
Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden.
het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd.
Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst.
Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert.
Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie
Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen.
Is het zwemvest voorzien van een beenband die tussen de benen doorloopt?
Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline.
Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort.
32 Bewertungen
Unsere Empfehlung für eine automatische Rettungsweste mit hohem Tragekomfort
Unsere Wahl für Menschen, die schweißen / schleifen / brennen und ein automatisches Rettungsweste tr
26 Bewertungen
Größen: 40+ kg
18 Bewertungen
36 Bewertungen
Größen: 40-70 kg, 70+ kg, 70++ kg
Größen: 40-70 kg, 70+ kg, 70++ kg
Für den professionellen Nutzer haben wir Schwimm- und Rettungswesten die die höchsten Anforderungen der Benutzer erfüllen. Wir haben SOLAS Rettungswesten und Rettungswesten mit EN396- und EN-397 Normen. Auch das Auftriebsvermögen spielt eine sehr wichtige Rolle bei einer guten Rettungsweste, denn das Tragen von Arbeitskleidung in Kombination mit einer Schwimmweste fragt viel von einer Schwimmweste. Darum benutzen die meisten Kunden Rettungswesten mit 275N oder 300N. Du kannst auch eine mit 150N bestellen, aber diese erfüllen meistens nicht die gewünschten Anforderungen.
Wir haben auch spezielle Rettungswesten die feuerfest sind (fire retardant), damit auch ein Schweißer oder auch Schleifer während dem Schweißen eine Rettungsweste tragen kann.
Öl und Schmutz abwehren
Viele von unseren Kunden arbeiten mit Öl und haben schmutzige Kleidung, über die auch Rettungswesten getragen werden müssen, die dagegen beständig sind. Hierfür haben wir spezielle Modelle, die öl- und schmutzabweisend sind.
Anti-statische Rettungswesten
In Atex Zonen müssen Rettungswesten mit der EN1149 Norm getragen werden. Diese speziellen Westen werden viel genutzt in Zonen in denen Funken Explosionsgefahr herrscht.
Debug: 1
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Wir haben auch spezielle Rettungswesten die feuerfest sind (fire retardant), damit auch ein Schweißer oder auch Schleifer während dem Schweißen eine Rettungsweste tragen kann.
Öl und Schmutz abwehren
Viele von unseren Kunden arbeiten mit Öl und haben schmutzige Kleidung, über die auch Rettungswesten getragen werden müssen, die dagegen beständig sind. Hierfür haben wir spezielle Modelle, die öl- und schmutzabweisend sind.
Anti-statische Rettungswesten
In Atex Zonen müssen Rettungswesten mit der EN1149 Norm getragen werden. Diese speziellen Westen werden viel genutzt in Zonen in denen Funken Explosionsgefahr herrscht.
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Die Wahl des World Nautic Centers ist laut unseren Kunden und unseren Fachleuten für automatische Rettungswesten die beste für dich.
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" ["seotitle"]=> string(77) "{{product.brand}} {{}} - | {{}}" ["metakeywords"]=> string(92) "{{product.brand}} {{}} , {{product.sku}} , {{product.brand}} , {{}}" ["metadescription"]=> string(161) "{{product.brand}} {{}} | Vor 21 Uhr bestellt, direkt geschickt | | shop {{}} | Kostenloser versand und Rückversand" ["media_url"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> string(11) "top product" ["annotation_key"]=> string(11) "top product" ["sku"]=> string(8) "20427601" ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" } ["seotitle"]=> string(77) "{{product.brand}} {{}} - | {{}}" ["metakeywords"]=> string(92) "{{product.brand}} {{}} , {{product.sku}} , {{product.brand}} , {{}}" ["metadescription"]=> string(161) "{{product.brand}} {{}} | Vor 21 Uhr bestellt, direkt geschickt | | shop {{}} | Kostenloser versand und Rückversand" ["media_url"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(8) "20427601" ["property_values"]=> array(14) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#21 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Hersteller" ["property_description"]=> string(10) "Hersteller" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["value"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#20 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Farbe" ["property_description"]=> string(5) "Farbe" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["value"]=> string(4) "Gelb" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#22 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Material" ["property_description"]=> string(8) "Material" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["value"]=> string(5) "Nylon" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#23 (6) { ["property"]=> string(11) "Schrittgurt" ["property_description"]=> string(72) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een beenband die tussen de benen doorloopt?" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#24 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#25 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "300N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#26 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#27 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#28 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#29 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#30 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#31 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#32 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(15) "Reißverschluss" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#33 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(true) ["annotation_key"]=> string(11) "top product" ["annotation_content"]=> string(11) "top product" ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> object(stdClass)#38 (5) { ["product_sku"]=> string(8) "20427601" ["product_name"]=> string(38) "Besto inflatable pro 300N yellow black" ["last_reviewed_on"]=> string(19) "2024-10-12 13:21:45" ["average_stars"]=> string(4) "4.19" ["reviews"]=> string(2) "32" } ["product_sizes"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#35 (9) { ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8711497625431" ["stock"]=> string(2) "-1" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "0001-01-01 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["availability"]=> string(13) "deliveryTime2" } } } [1]=> array(37) { ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235626" ["price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-20 10:30:08" ["special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["current_price"]=> string(8) "223.1322" ["normal_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["name"]=> string(57) "professionell aufblasbare rettungsweste feuerhemmend 300n" ["product_label"]=> string(36) "d23faf50-6b3f-4f02-995d-0be885e061be" ["link"]=> string(95) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-professionell-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-feuerhemmend-300n" ["short_description"]=> string(65) "professionell aufblasbare rettungsweste feuerhemmend 300n (p.o.a)" ["image"]=> string(61) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/WNC-260880-12-123/1.jpg" ["image2"]=> string(61) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/WNC-260880-12-123/2.jpg" ["stock"]=> int(1) ["is_new"]=> bool(false) ["is_fr"]=> bool(false) ["is_fd"]=> bool(false) ["is_lowest_price"]=> bool(false) ["has_attributes"]=> bool(true) ["product_manufacturer"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["product_manufacturer_image"]=> string(38) "/productmedia/_manufacturers/Besto.jpg" ["product_manufacturer_image_full"]=> string(57) "/database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80647_0_0.jpg" ["product_scenario_title"]=> string(102) "Unsere Wahl für Menschen, die schweißen / schleifen / brennen und ein automatisches Rettungsweste tr" ["product_scenario_description"]=> string(530) "Die Wahl des World Nautic Centers ist laut unseren Kunden und unseren professionellen Rettungswesten-Spezialisten die beste für Sie.
" ["original_product_object"]=> object(cBaseProduct)#16 (33) { ["image_array"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(4) ".jpg" [1]=> string(4) ".jpg" [2]=> string(4) ".jpg" [3]=> string(4) ".jpg" } ["depth"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(6) "235626" ["parent_id"]=> string(5) "99999" ["name"]=> string(36) "d23faf50-6b3f-4f02-995d-0be885e061be" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> string(3) "-37" ["type"]=> string(1) "7" ["image_extensions"]=> string(19) ".jpg:.jpg:.jpg:.jpg" ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235626" ["flag"]=> string(1) "1" ["last_change"]=> string(19) "2025-01-20 10:30:08" ["products_id"]=> string(19) "2025-01-20 10:30:08" ["products_price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-20 10:30:08" ["products_special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_current_price"]=> string(8) "223.1322" ["products_date_added"]=> string(19) "2023-01-16 13:03:15" ["products_type"]=> string(6) "234543" ["manufacturer_id"]=> string(5) "80647" ["products_status"]=> string(1) "0" ["size_table"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_slug"]=> string(94) "professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-professionell-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-feuerhemmend-300n" ["product_scenario_title"]=> string(102) "Unsere Wahl für Menschen, die schweißen / schleifen / brennen und ein automatisches Rettungsweste tr" ["product_scenario_description"]=> string(530) "Die Wahl des World Nautic Centers ist laut unseren Kunden und unseren professionellen Rettungswesten-Spezialisten die beste für Sie.
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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#44 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#45 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "300N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#46 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#47 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#48 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#49 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#50 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#51 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(14) "Kunststoffclip" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#52 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#53 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [15]=> object(stdClass)#54 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [16]=> object(stdClass)#55 (6) { ["property"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_description"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "15" ["value"]=> string(14) "Fire Retardant" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(true) ["annotation_key"]=> string(11) "top product" ["annotation_content"]=> string(11) "top product" ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> NULL ["product_sizes"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#56 (9) { ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8711497625479" ["stock"]=> string(1) "1" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "2025-02-10 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["availability"]=> string(7) "inStock" } } } [2]=> array(37) { ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235790" ["price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-20 04:30:13" ["special_price"]=> string(8) "262.8017" ["standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["current_price"]=> string(8) "262.8017" ["normal_price"]=> string(6) "280.17" ["name"]=> string(64) "Ultimate aufblasbare rettungsweste 300N BackTow m/h schwarz/gelb" ["product_label"]=> string(36) "5d2ef9df-0ccc-4322-8c10-2c60ece05f54" ["link"]=> string(100) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-ultimate-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-300n-backtow-mh-schwarzgelb" ["short_description"]=> string(70) "besto Ultimate aufblasbare rettungsweste 300N BackTow m/h schwarz/gelb" ["image"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427681/1.jpg" ["image2"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427681/2.jpg" ["stock"]=> string(2) "-1" ["is_new"]=> bool(false) ["is_fr"]=> bool(false) ["is_fd"]=> bool(false) ["is_lowest_price"]=> bool(false) ["has_attributes"]=> bool(true) ["product_manufacturer"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["product_manufacturer_image"]=> string(38) "/productmedia/_manufacturers/Besto.jpg" ["product_manufacturer_image_full"]=> string(57) "/database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80647_0_0.jpg" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["original_product_object"]=> object(cBaseProduct)#14 (33) { ["image_array"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(4) ".jpg" [1]=> string(4) ".jpg" [2]=> string(4) ".jpg" [3]=> string(4) ".jpg" } ["depth"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(6) "235790" ["parent_id"]=> string(5) "99999" ["name"]=> string(36) "5d2ef9df-0ccc-4322-8c10-2c60ece05f54" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> string(3) "-37" ["type"]=> string(1) "7" ["image_extensions"]=> string(19) ".jpg:.jpg:.jpg:.jpg" ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235790" ["flag"]=> string(1) "1" ["last_change"]=> string(19) "2025-01-20 04:30:13" ["products_id"]=> string(19) "2025-01-20 04:30:13" ["products_price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-20 04:30:13" ["products_special_price"]=> string(8) "262.8017" ["products_standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_current_price"]=> string(8) "262.8017" ["products_date_added"]=> string(19) "2023-01-16 13:14:08" ["products_type"]=> string(6) "234543" ["manufacturer_id"]=> string(5) "80647" ["products_status"]=> string(1) "0" ["size_table"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_slug"]=> string(99) "professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-ultimate-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-300n-backtow-mh-schwarzgelb" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["seotitle"]=> string(77) "{{product.brand}} {{}} - 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#63 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#64 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "300N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#65 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#66 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#67 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#68 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#69 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#70 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(3) "PVC" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#71 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#72 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(false) ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> NULL ["product_sizes"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#73 (9) { ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8711497654974" ["stock"]=> string(2) "-1" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "0001-01-01 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["availability"]=> string(13) "deliveryTime2" } } } [3]=> array(37) { ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235438" ["price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-21 01:30:16" ["special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["current_price"]=> string(7) "165.281" ["normal_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["name"]=> string(18) "High viz gelb 300N" ["product_label"]=> string(36) "2941928d-c4d8-4465-a73a-6dda482bb42d" ["link"]=> string(56) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-high-viz-gelb-300n" ["short_description"]=> string(25) "High viz gelb 300N p.o.a." 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#80 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#81 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "300N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#82 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#83 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#84 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#85 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#86 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#87 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#88 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(15) "Klettverschluss" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#89 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [15]=> object(stdClass)#90 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [16]=> object(stdClass)#91 (6) { ["property"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_description"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "15" ["value"]=> string(8) "High Viz" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(false) ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> object(stdClass)#94 (5) { ["product_sku"]=> string(15) "RE39193PRO-YELL" ["product_name"]=> string(34) "PRO 300N A/H Yellow CXI - 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#100 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "165N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#101 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#102 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#103 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#104 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#105 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#106 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#107 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(15) "Reißverschluss" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#108 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(false) ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> NULL ["product_sizes"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#109 (9) { ["size"]=> NULL ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8711497632644" ["stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "0001-01-01 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> NULL ["size_id"]=> NULL ["availability"]=> string(7) "inStock" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#37 (9) { ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8711497632644" ["stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "0001-01-01 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["availability"]=> string(7) "inStock" } } } [5]=> array(37) { ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235644" ["price"]=> string(19) "2024-10-21 17:30:33" ["special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["current_price"]=> string(6) "41.314" ["normal_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["name"]=> string(38) "Solas EC 2010 rettungsweste erwachsene" ["product_label"]=> string(36) "1bc2d021-d3c2-404e-9b59-1beaa1ac5502" ["link"]=> string(76) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-solas-ec-2010-rettungsweste-erwachsene" ["short_description"]=> string(46) "Solas EC 2010 rettungsweste erwachsene (p.o.a)" ["image"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427627/1.jpg" ["image2"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427627/2.jpg" ["stock"]=> int(1) ["is_new"]=> bool(false) ["is_fr"]=> bool(false) ["is_fd"]=> bool(false) ["is_lowest_price"]=> bool(false) ["has_attributes"]=> bool(true) ["product_manufacturer"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["product_manufacturer_image"]=> string(38) "/productmedia/_manufacturers/Besto.jpg" ["product_manufacturer_image_full"]=> string(57) "/database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80647_0_0.jpg" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["original_product_object"]=> object(cBaseProduct)#75 (33) { ["image_array"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(4) ".jpg" [1]=> string(4) ".jpg" [2]=> string(4) ".jpg" [3]=> string(4) ".jpg" } ["depth"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(6) "235644" ["parent_id"]=> string(5) "99999" ["name"]=> string(36) "1bc2d021-d3c2-404e-9b59-1beaa1ac5502" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> string(3) "-37" ["type"]=> string(1) "7" ["image_extensions"]=> string(19) ".jpg:.jpg:.jpg:.jpg" ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235644" ["flag"]=> string(1) "1" ["last_change"]=> string(19) "2024-10-21 17:30:33" ["products_id"]=> string(19) "2024-10-21 17:30:33" ["products_price"]=> string(19) "2024-10-21 17:30:33" ["products_special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_current_price"]=> string(6) "41.314" ["products_date_added"]=> string(19) "2023-01-16 13:04:14" ["products_type"]=> string(6) "234543" ["manufacturer_id"]=> string(5) "80647" ["products_status"]=> string(1) "0" ["size_table"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_slug"]=> string(75) "professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-solas-ec-2010-rettungsweste-erwachsene" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["seotitle"]=> string(77) "{{product.brand}} {{}} - 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#117 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#118 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "170N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#119 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#120 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#121 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#122 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#123 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#124 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(14) "Kunststoffclip" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#125 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#126 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [15]=> object(stdClass)#127 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [16]=> object(stdClass)#128 (6) { ["property"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_description"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "15" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#136 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#137 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "300N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#138 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#139 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#140 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#141 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#142 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#143 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#144 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#145 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#155 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#156 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "190N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#157 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#158 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#159 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#160 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#161 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#162 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." 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" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [15]=> object(stdClass)#165 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [16]=> object(stdClass)#166 (6) { ["property"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_description"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "15" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#192 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "300N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#193 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#194 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#195 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#196 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#197 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#198 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#199 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(15) "Klettverschluss" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#200 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(false) ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> NULL ["product_sizes"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#201 (9) { ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8711497625387" ["stock"]=> string(2) "-1" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "0001-01-01 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["availability"]=> string(13) "deliveryTime2" } } } [10]=> array(37) { ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235784" ["price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-08 04:30:11" ["special_price"]=> string(8) "155.3636" ["standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["current_price"]=> string(8) "155.3636" ["normal_price"]=> string(6) "181.78" ["name"]=> string(62) "Comfort fit aufblasbare rettungsweste PRO 300N mh blau/schwarz" ["product_label"]=> string(36) "9d3a9f7f-c488-4e5e-9bf1-70de826e9b4d" ["link"]=> string(99) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-comfort-fit-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-pro-300n-mh-blauschwarz" ["short_description"]=> string(68) "besto Comfort fit aufblasbare rettungsweste PRO 300N mh blau/schwarz" ["image"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427673/1.jpg" ["image2"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427673/2.jpg" ["stock"]=> int(1) ["is_new"]=> bool(false) ["is_fr"]=> bool(false) ["is_fd"]=> bool(false) ["is_lowest_price"]=> bool(false) ["has_attributes"]=> bool(true) ["product_manufacturer"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["product_manufacturer_image"]=> string(38) "/productmedia/_manufacturers/Besto.jpg" ["product_manufacturer_image_full"]=> string(57) "/database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80647_0_0.jpg" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["original_product_object"]=> object(cBaseProduct)#169 (33) { ["image_array"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(4) ".jpg" [1]=> string(4) ".jpg" [2]=> string(4) ".jpg" [3]=> string(4) ".jpg" } ["depth"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(6) "235784" ["parent_id"]=> string(5) "99999" ["name"]=> string(36) "9d3a9f7f-c488-4e5e-9bf1-70de826e9b4d" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> string(3) "-37" ["type"]=> string(1) "7" ["image_extensions"]=> string(19) ".jpg:.jpg:.jpg:.jpg" ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235784" ["flag"]=> string(1) "1" ["last_change"]=> string(19) "2025-01-08 04:30:11" ["products_id"]=> string(19) "2025-01-08 04:30:11" ["products_price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-08 04:30:11" ["products_special_price"]=> string(8) "155.3636" ["products_standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_current_price"]=> string(8) "155.3636" ["products_date_added"]=> string(19) "2023-01-16 13:13:37" ["products_type"]=> string(6) "234543" ["manufacturer_id"]=> string(5) "80647" ["products_status"]=> string(1) "0" ["size_table"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_slug"]=> string(98) "professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-comfort-fit-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-pro-300n-mh-blauschwarz" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["seotitle"]=> string(77) "{{product.brand}} {{}} - 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#212 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#213 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." 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" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [15]=> object(stdClass)#218 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(false) ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> object(stdClass)#221 (5) { ["product_sku"]=> string(8) "20427673" ["product_name"]=> string(44) "Besto Comfort fit PRO 300N mh ijsblauw/zwart" ["last_reviewed_on"]=> string(19) "2024-07-19 09:44:15" ["average_stars"]=> string(4) "4.67" ["reviews"]=> string(2) "18" } ["product_sizes"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#19 (9) { ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8711497654967" ["stock"]=> string(1) "1" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "0001-01-01 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["availability"]=> string(7) "inStock" } } } [11]=> array(37) { ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235769" ["price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-23 04:30:17" ["special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["current_price"]=> string(8) "142.1405" ["normal_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["name"]=> string(59) "Comfort fit aufblasbare rettungsweste PRO 220N mh gris/gelb" ["product_label"]=> string(36) "4f2c95e1-b7b3-4bc9-9685-d43e39eac40c" ["link"]=> string(96) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-comfort-fit-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-pro-220n-mh-grisgelb" ["short_description"]=> string(65) "besto Comfort fit aufblasbare rettungsweste PRO 220N mh gris/gelb" ["image"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427661/1.jpg" ["image2"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427661/2.jpg" ["stock"]=> int(1) ["is_new"]=> bool(false) ["is_fr"]=> bool(false) ["is_fd"]=> bool(false) ["is_lowest_price"]=> bool(false) ["has_attributes"]=> bool(true) ["product_manufacturer"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["product_manufacturer_image"]=> string(38) "/productmedia/_manufacturers/Besto.jpg" ["product_manufacturer_image_full"]=> string(57) "/database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80647_0_0.jpg" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["original_product_object"]=> object(cBaseProduct)#187 (33) { ["image_array"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(4) ".jpg" [1]=> string(4) ".jpg" [2]=> string(4) ".jpg" [3]=> string(4) ".jpg" } ["depth"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(6) "235769" ["parent_id"]=> string(5) "99999" ["name"]=> string(36) "4f2c95e1-b7b3-4bc9-9685-d43e39eac40c" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> string(3) "-37" ["type"]=> string(1) "7" ["image_extensions"]=> string(19) ".jpg:.jpg:.jpg:.jpg" ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235769" ["flag"]=> string(1) "1" ["last_change"]=> string(19) "2025-01-23 04:30:17" ["products_id"]=> string(19) "2025-01-23 04:30:17" ["products_price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-23 04:30:17" ["products_special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_current_price"]=> string(8) "142.1405" ["products_date_added"]=> string(19) "2023-01-16 13:12:23" ["products_type"]=> string(6) "234543" ["manufacturer_id"]=> string(5) "80647" ["products_status"]=> string(1) "0" ["size_table"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_slug"]=> string(95) "professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-comfort-fit-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-pro-220n-mh-grisgelb" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["seotitle"]=> string(77) "{{product.brand}} {{}} - 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#227 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#228 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "220N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#229 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#230 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#231 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#232 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#233 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#234 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#235 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(15) "Reißverschluss" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#236 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [15]=> object(stdClass)#237 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(false) ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> NULL ["product_sizes"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#238 (9) { ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8711497654936" ["stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "0001-01-01 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["availability"]=> string(7) "inStock" } } } [12]=> array(37) { ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235779" ["price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-22 10:30:12" ["special_price"]=> string(8) "162.8017" ["standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["current_price"]=> string(8) "162.8017" ["normal_price"]=> string(6) "181.78" ["name"]=> string(62) "Comfort fit aufblasbare rettungsweste PRO 300N mh gris/schwarz" ["product_label"]=> string(36) "dc7921b9-16ad-4161-aad8-c67377abe5fe" ["link"]=> string(99) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-comfort-fit-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-pro-300n-mh-grisschwarz" ["short_description"]=> string(68) "besto Comfort fit aufblasbare rettungsweste PRO 300N mh gris/schwarz" ["image"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427672/1.jpg" ["image2"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20427672/2.jpg" ["stock"]=> int(1) ["is_new"]=> bool(false) ["is_fr"]=> bool(false) ["is_fd"]=> bool(false) ["is_lowest_price"]=> bool(false) ["has_attributes"]=> bool(true) ["product_manufacturer"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["product_manufacturer_image"]=> string(38) "/productmedia/_manufacturers/Besto.jpg" ["product_manufacturer_image_full"]=> string(57) "/database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80647_0_0.jpg" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["original_product_object"]=> object(cBaseProduct)#203 (33) { ["image_array"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(4) ".jpg" [1]=> string(4) ".jpg" [2]=> string(4) ".jpg" [3]=> string(4) ".jpg" } ["depth"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(6) "235779" ["parent_id"]=> string(5) "99999" ["name"]=> string(36) "dc7921b9-16ad-4161-aad8-c67377abe5fe" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> string(3) "-37" ["type"]=> string(1) "7" ["image_extensions"]=> string(19) ".jpg:.jpg:.jpg:.jpg" ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235779" ["flag"]=> string(1) "1" ["last_change"]=> string(19) "2025-01-22 10:30:12" ["products_id"]=> string(19) "2025-01-22 10:30:12" ["products_price"]=> string(19) "2025-01-22 10:30:12" ["products_special_price"]=> string(8) "162.8017" ["products_standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_current_price"]=> string(8) "162.8017" ["products_date_added"]=> string(19) "2023-01-16 13:13:09" ["products_type"]=> string(6) "234543" ["manufacturer_id"]=> string(5) "80647" ["products_status"]=> string(1) "0" ["size_table"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_slug"]=> string(98) "professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-comfort-fit-aufblasbare-rettungsweste-pro-300n-mh-grisschwarz" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["seotitle"]=> string(77) "{{product.brand}} {{}} - 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#245 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#246 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "300N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#247 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#248 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#249 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#250 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#251 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#252 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." 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NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(8) "20412062" ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" } ["seotitle"]=> string(71) "besto Worker 50N wipe clean rettungsweste (p.o.a) |" ["metakeywords"]=> NULL ["metadescription"]=> string(135) "Worker 50N wipe clean rettungsweste (p.o.a)->> op voorraad >> voor 21:00 besteld morgen in huis >> Winkel in Sliedrecht |" ["media_url"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(8) "20412062" ["property_values"]=> array(17) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#240 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Hersteller" ["property_description"]=> string(10) "Hersteller" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["value"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#284 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Benutzer" ["property_description"]=> string(8) "Benutzer" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["value"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#282 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Farbe" ["property_description"]=> string(5) "Farbe" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["value"]=> string(6) "Orange" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#285 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Material" ["property_description"]=> string(8) "Material" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["value"]=> string(10) "Wipe clean" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#286 (6) { ["property"]=> string(11) "Schrittgurt" ["property_description"]=> string(72) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een beenband die tussen de benen doorloopt?" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#287 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#288 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(3) "50N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#289 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#290 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#291 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#292 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#293 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#294 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(14) "Kunststoffclip" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#295 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#296 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#307 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#308 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "300N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#309 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#310 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#327 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#328 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "220N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#329 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#330 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#331 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#332 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#333 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#334 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#335 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#336 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#346 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#347 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "190N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#348 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#349 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#350 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#351 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#354 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(15) "Klettverschluss" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#355 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#384 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#385 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(4) "220N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#386 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#387 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#390 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#391 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#392 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#393 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [15]=> object(stdClass)#394 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [16]=> object(stdClass)#395 (6) { ["property"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_description"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "15" ["value"]=> string(10) "Wipe Clean" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(false) ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> NULL ["product_sizes"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#396 (9) { ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["barcode"]=> string(13) "8712256999077" ["stock"]=> string(1) "1" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["expected_delivery_date"]=> string(19) "0001-01-01 00:00:00" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["availability"]=> string(7) "inStock" } } } [20]=> array(37) { ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235617" ["price"]=> string(19) "2024-12-13 01:30:11" ["special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["current_price"]=> string(6) "57.843" ["normal_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["name"]=> string(37) "Worker 50N feuerhemmend rettungsweste" ["product_label"]=> string(36) "c0f5ddda-5f8d-4141-9e6f-b17f5b342f55" ["link"]=> string(75) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-worker-50n-feuerhemmend-rettungsweste" ["short_description"]=> string(45) "Worker 50N feuerhemmend rettungsweste (p.o.a)" ["image"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20412061/1.jpg" ["image2"]=> string(52) "/productmedia/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/20412061/2.jpg" ["stock"]=> NULL ["is_new"]=> bool(false) ["is_fr"]=> bool(false) ["is_fd"]=> bool(false) ["is_lowest_price"]=> bool(false) ["has_attributes"]=> bool(true) ["product_manufacturer"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["product_manufacturer_image"]=> string(38) "/productmedia/_manufacturers/Besto.jpg" ["product_manufacturer_image_full"]=> string(57) "/database_files/wnc_schwimmwestenshopde/0/0/80647_0_0.jpg" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["original_product_object"]=> object(cBaseProduct)#398 (33) { ["image_array"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(4) ".jpg" [1]=> string(4) ".jpg" [2]=> string(4) ".jpg" [3]=> string(4) ".jpg" } ["depth"]=> NULL ["id"]=> string(6) "235617" ["parent_id"]=> string(5) "99999" ["name"]=> string(36) "c0f5ddda-5f8d-4141-9e6f-b17f5b342f55" ["link"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> string(3) "-37" ["type"]=> string(1) "7" ["image_extensions"]=> string(19) ".jpg:.jpg:.jpg:.jpg" ["link_id"]=> string(6) "235617" ["flag"]=> string(1) "1" ["last_change"]=> string(19) "2024-12-13 01:30:11" ["products_id"]=> string(19) "2024-12-13 01:30:11" ["products_price"]=> string(19) "2024-12-13 01:30:11" ["products_special_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_standard_price"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_current_price"]=> string(6) "57.843" ["products_date_added"]=> string(19) "2023-01-16 13:02:45" ["products_type"]=> string(6) "234543" ["manufacturer_id"]=> string(5) "80647" ["products_status"]=> string(1) "0" ["size_table"]=> string(1) "0" ["products_slug"]=> string(74) "professionelles-rettungswesten/besto-worker-50n-feuerhemmend-rettungsweste" ["product_scenario_title"]=> NULL ["product_scenario_description"]=> NULL ["seotitle"]=> string(77) "{{product.brand}} {{}} - 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["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "12" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#409 (6) { ["property"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["value"]=> string(4) "nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#408 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["value"]=> string(3) "50N" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#407 (6) { ["property"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "14" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#406 (6) { ["property"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#405 (6) { ["property"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "13" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#404 (6) { ["property"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "8" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [11]=> object(stdClass)#403 (6) { ["property"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [12]=> object(stdClass)#402 (6) { ["property"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["value"]=> string(14) "Kunststoffclip" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [13]=> object(stdClass)#401 (6) { ["property"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["value"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" } [14]=> object(stdClass)#400 (6) { ["property"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["value"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" } [15]=> object(stdClass)#399 (6) { ["property"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "10" ["value"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } [16]=> object(stdClass)#320 (6) { ["property"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_description"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_sort_order"]=> string(2) "15" ["value"]=> string(14) "Fire Retardant" ["highlight"]=> string(1) "0" ["sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" } } ["standard_delivery_time"]=> string(1) "2" ["show_annotation"]=> bool(false) ["annotation_key"]=> NULL ["annotation_content"]=> NULL ["product_combinations_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["reviews_summary"]=> NULL ["product_sizes"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#397 (9) { ["size"]=> string(8) "40-70 kg" 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["size_id"]=> string(6) "222986" ["availability"]=> string(13) "deliveryTime2" } } } } ["question_answers"]=> array(0) { } ["filter_properties"]=> array(17) { [0]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(1) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234544" ["property_name"]=> string(10) "Hersteller" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(10) "Hersteller" ["property_description"]=> string(10) "Hersteller" ["property_values"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(1) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234545" ["property_value_name"]=> string(5) "Besto" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "23" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [1]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(2) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234548" ["property_name"]=> string(5) "Farbe" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(5) "Farbe" ["property_description"]=> string(5) "Farbe" ["property_values"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(8) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234549" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Blau" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(8) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234550" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Gelb" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "6" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(3) ["property_value_count"]=> int(8) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234551" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Grau" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [3]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(4) ["property_value_count"]=> int(8) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234552" ["property_value_name"]=> string(6) "Orange" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "4" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [4]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(5) ["property_value_count"]=> int(8) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234553" ["property_value_name"]=> string(3) "Rot" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "4" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [5]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(6) ["property_value_count"]=> int(8) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234554" ["property_value_name"]=> string(5) "Weiß" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> 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array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234558" ["property_value_name"]=> string(5) "Nylon" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "14" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234559" ["property_value_name"]=> string(14) "Fire Retardant" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(3) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234560" ["property_value_name"]=> string(10) "Wipe clean" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "7" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [3]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(4) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234546" ["property_name"]=> string(8) "Benutzer" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(8) "Benutzer" ["property_description"]=> string(8) "Benutzer" ["property_values"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(1) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234547" ["property_value_name"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "22" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [4]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(5) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234590" ["property_name"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(10) "Verschluss" ["property_description"]=> string(78) "Hoe sluit je het vest? Selecteer hier de optie waar jij de voorkeur aan geeft." ["property_values"]=> array(3) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234592" ["property_value_name"]=> string(3) "PVC" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234593" ["property_value_name"]=> string(9) "Edelstahl" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "16" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(3) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234591" ["property_value_name"]=> string(14) "Kunststoffclip" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "6" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [5]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(6) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234567" ["property_name"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(8) "Auftrieb" ["property_description"]=> string(123) "Selecteer hier het gewenste drijfvermogen. Zwemvesten hebben 50N drjifvermogen en reddingsvesten hebben 100N drijfvermogen." ["property_values"]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(6) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234568" ["property_value_name"]=> string(3) "50N" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(6) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234569" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "165N" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "6" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(3) ["property_value_count"]=> int(6) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234570" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "170N" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [3]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(4) ["property_value_count"]=> int(6) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234571" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "190N" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "7" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [4]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(5) ["property_value_count"]=> int(6) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234573" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "220N" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "9" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "3" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [5]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(6) ["property_value_count"]=> int(6) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234572" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "300N" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(2) "11" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "14" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [6]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(7) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234577" ["property_name"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(27) "Manuelle Aufblasvorrichtung" ["property_description"]=> string(136) "Het reddingsvest gaat automatisch open waneer het in contact komt met het water maar kan wanneer nodig ook handmatig geactiveerd worden." ["property_values"]=> array(3) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234578" ["property_value_name"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "12" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234579" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "10" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(3) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234580" ["property_value_name"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [7]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(8) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234587" ["property_name"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(8) "Notlicht" ["property_description"]=> string(129) "het vest heeft standaard een lampje in het vest zitten wat zorgt dat het gaat branden wanneer het reddingsvest wordt geactiveerd." ["property_values"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234588" ["property_value_name"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234589" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "21" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [8]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(9) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234594" ["property_name"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(24) "Verschluss der Abdeckung" ["property_description"]=> string(51) "Selecteer hier welke sluiting van de hoes je wenst." ["property_values"]=> array(3) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234595" ["property_value_name"]=> string(15) "Reißverschluss" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "6" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234596" ["property_value_name"]=> string(15) "Klettverschluss" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "4" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(3) ["property_value_count"]=> int(3) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234597" ["property_value_name"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "11" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [9]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(10) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234584" ["property_name"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(18) "Inspektionsfenster" ["property_description"]=> string(85) "Op het inspectievenster kan je in één oogopslag zien of het vest goed functioneert." ["property_values"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234585" ["property_value_name"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "11" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234586" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "12" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [10]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(11) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234598" ["property_name"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(9) "Sprayhood" ["property_description"]=> string(127) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een sprayhood. Een sprayhood is een kap die over het hoofd en het opgeblazen reddingsvest komt. " ["property_values"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234599" ["property_value_name"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234600" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "22" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [11]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(12) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234601" ["property_name"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(5) "Solas" ["property_description"]=> string(40) "Zwemvesten/Reddingsvesten - Rugprotectie" ["property_values"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234602" ["property_value_name"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "6" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234603" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "14" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [12]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(13) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234564" ["property_name"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(6) "D-ring" ["property_description"]=> string(112) "Dit is een kunstof ringetje onderaan het vest. Deze ring zit eraan om je dodemanskoord aan te kunnen bevestigen." ["property_values"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234565" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "15" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234566" ["property_value_name"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "5" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [13]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(14) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234561" ["property_name"]=> string(11) "Schrittgurt" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(11) "Schrittgurt" ["property_description"]=> string(72) "Is het zwemvest voorzien van een beenband die tussen de benen doorloopt?" ["property_values"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234562" ["property_value_name"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "21" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234563" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [14]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(15) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234581" ["property_name"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(7) "Harness" ["property_description"]=> string(108) "Selecteer hier of je een harnas in het vest wenst. Een harnas is nodig voor het bevestigen van een lifeline." ["property_values"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234582" ["property_value_name"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "19" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234583" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "3" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [15]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(16) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234574" ["property_name"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(12) "Nackenfleece" ["property_description"]=> string(101) "Selecteer hier of je een fleece kraag wenst. een fleece kraag in de nek zorgt voor meer draagcomfort." ["property_values"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234575" ["property_value_name"]=> string(2) "Ja" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "9" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(2) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234576" ["property_value_name"]=> string(4) "Nein" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "2" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(2) "14" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } [16]=> array(7) { ["property_index"]=> int(17) ["property_count"]=> int(17) ["property_id"]=> string(6) "234604" ["property_name"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_menu_txt"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_description"]=> string(13) "Unieke punten" ["property_values"]=> array(4) { [0]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(1) ["property_value_count"]=> int(4) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234605" ["property_value_name"]=> string(14) "Fire Retardant" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "3" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(2) ["property_value_count"]=> int(4) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234606" ["property_value_name"]=> string(10) "Wipe Clean" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "3" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "6" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(3) ["property_value_count"]=> int(4) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234607" ["property_value_name"]=> string(8) "High Viz" ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "4" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [3]=> array(8) { ["property_value_index"]=> int(4) ["property_value_count"]=> int(4) ["property_value_id"]=> string(6) "234608" ["property_value_name"]=> string(6) "N.V.T." ["property_value_image"]=> string(0) "" ["property_value_sort_order"]=> string(1) "5" ["refined_product_count"]=> string(1) "4" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } } } ["filter_sizes"]=> array(4) { [0]=> array(9) { ["size_index"]=> int(1) ["size_count"]=> int(4) ["size_type_name"]=> string(13) "Gewichtsmaten" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size"]=> string(8) "40-70 kg" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "223023" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6110" ["no_products"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> array(9) { ["size_index"]=> int(2) ["size_count"]=> int(4) ["size_type_name"]=> string(13) "Gewichtsmaten" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size"]=> string(6) "40+ kg" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222963" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6115" ["no_products"]=> string(2) "21" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> array(9) { ["size_index"]=> int(3) ["size_count"]=> int(4) ["size_type_name"]=> string(13) "Gewichtsmaten" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size"]=> string(6) "70+ kg" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222984" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6170" ["no_products"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } [3]=> array(9) { ["size_index"]=> int(4) ["size_count"]=> int(4) ["size_type_name"]=> string(13) "Gewichtsmaten" ["size_type_id"]=> string(6) "222886" ["size"]=> string(7) "70++ kg" ["size_id"]=> string(6) "222986" ["sort_order"]=> string(4) "6175" ["no_products"]=> string(1) "2" ["is_selected"]=> bool(false) } } ["related_categories"]=> array(0) { } ["breadcrumbs"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Home" ["link"]=> string(1) "/" } [1]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(30) "Professionelles rettungswesten" ["link"]=> string(32) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/" } } ["menu_desktop"]=> array(9) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1254 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "kinder" ["subcategories"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1691 (2) { ["name"]=> string(18) "schwimmwesten kind" ["links"]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1278 (2) { ["name"]=> string(30) "baby rettungswesten (bis 15kg)" ["url"]=> string(21) "/baby-rettungswesten/" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1279 (2) { ["name"]=> string(31) "kinder rettungswesten (15-40kg)" ["url"]=> string(22) "/kinderrettungswesten/" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1281 (2) { ["name"]=> string(33) "automatische kinderrettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(46) "/automatisch-aufblasbare-kinder-rettungsweste/" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1689 (2) { ["name"]=> string(18) "schwimmwesten kind" ["url"]=> string(20) "/schwimmwesten-kind/" } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1688 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1803 (2) { ["name"]=> string(44) "kinderschwimmweste oder kinderrettungsweste?" ["url"]=> string(44) "/kinderschwimmweste-oder-kinderrettungsweste" } } } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1808 (2) { ["name"]=> string(13) "schwimmwesten" ["subcategories"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1395 (2) { ["name"]=> string(13) "schwimmwesten" ["links"]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1804 (2) { ["name"]=> string(4) "kind" ["url"]=> string(20) "/schwimmwesten-kind/" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1806 (2) { ["name"]=> string(5) "damen" ["url"]=> string(21) "/schwimmwesten-damen/" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1807 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "herren" ["url"]=> string(22) "/schwimmwesten-herren/" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1805 (2) { ["name"]=> string(5) "tiere" ["url"]=> string(21) "/tiere-schwimmwesten/" } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1802 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1682 (2) { ["name"]=> string(31) "schwimmweste oder rettungsweste" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" } } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1796 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "wartung" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1801 (2) { ["name"]=> string(28) "rettungsweste prüfen lassen" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" } } } } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1651 (2) { ["name"]=> string(14) "rettungswesten" ["subcategories"]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1797 (2) { ["name"]=> string(14) "rettungswesten" ["links"]=> array(5) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1799 (2) { ["name"]=> string(19) "baby rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(21) "/baby-rettungswesten/" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1800 (2) { ["name"]=> string(21) "kinder rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(22) "/kinderrettungswesten/" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1798 (2) { ["name"]=> string(33) "automatische kinderrettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(46) "/automatisch-aufblasbare-kinder-rettungsweste/" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1795 (2) { ["name"]=> string(19) "alle rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(16) "/rettungswesten/" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1676 (2) { ["name"]=> string(26) "aufblasbare-rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(40) "/automatisch-aufblasbare-rettungswesten/" } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1789 (2) { ["name"]=> string(26) "aufblasbare-rettungswesten" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1794 (2) { ["name"]=> string(26) "aufblasbare rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(40) "/automatisch-aufblasbare-rettungswesten/" } } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1645 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1790 (2) { ["name"]=> string(31) "schwimmweste oder rettungsweste" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" } } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1792 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "wartung" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1793 (2) { ["name"]=> string(22) "rettungswesten wartung" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" } } } } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1791 (2) { ["name"]=> string(19) "industrie & gewerbe" ["subcategories"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1788 (2) { ["name"]=> string(19) "industrie & gewerbe" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1670 (2) { ["name"]=> string(30) "professionelles rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(32) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/" } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1782 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "wartung" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1787 (2) { ["name"]=> string(22) "rettungswesten wartung" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" } } } } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1657 (2) { ["name"]=> string(5) "sport" ["subcategories"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1783 (2) { ["name"]=> string(19) "sport schwimmwesten" ["links"]=> array(7) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1785 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "segeln" ["url"]=> string(45) "/schwimmwesten-und-rettungswesten-fur-segeln/" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1786 (2) { ["name"]=> string(10) "boardsport" ["url"]=> string(31) "/schwimmwesten-fur-boardsports/" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1784 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "surfen" ["url"]=> string(26) "/schwimmwesten-fur-surfen/" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1781 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "angeln" ["url"]=> string(22) "/schwimmwesten-angeln/" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1664 (2) { ["name"]=> string(11) "schnorcheln" ["url"]=> string(31) "/schwimmwesten-fur-schnorcheln/" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1775 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "jetski" ["url"]=> string(22) "/schwimmwesten-jetski/" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#1780 (2) { ["name"]=> string(13) "paddle sports" ["url"]=> string(29) "/schwimmwesten-paddle-sports/" } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1663 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1776 (2) { ["name"]=> string(31) "schwimmweste oder rettungsweste" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" } } } } } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1778 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "marken" ["subcategories"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1779 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "marken" ["links"]=> array(6) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1777 (2) { ["name"]=> string(5) "besto" ["url"]=> string(7) "/besto/" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1774 (2) { ["name"]=> string(12) "helly hansen" ["url"]=> string(14) "/helly-hansen/" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1658 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "secumar" ["url"]=> string(9) "/secumar/" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1768 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "baltic" ["url"]=> string(8) "/baltic/" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1773 (2) { ["name"]=> string(8) "spinlock" ["url"]=> string(10) "/spinlock/" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1675 (2) { ["name"]=> string(12) "splash about" ["url"]=> string(14) "/splash-about/" } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1769 (2) { ["name"]=> string(12) "marken sport" ["links"]=> array(6) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1771 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "mystic" ["url"]=> string(8) "/mystic/" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1772 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "follow" ["url"]=> string(8) "/follow/" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1770 (2) { ["name"]=> string(4) "jobe" ["url"]=> string(6) "/jobe/" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1766 (2) { ["name"]=> string(12) "liquid force" ["url"]=> string(14) "/liquid-force/" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1652 (2) { ["name"]=> string(8) "prolimit" ["url"]=> string(10) "/prolimit/" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1760 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "jet pilot" ["url"]=> string(11) "/jet-pilot/" } } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1767 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1669 (2) { ["name"]=> string(31) "schwimmweste oder rettungsweste" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" } } } } } [6]=> object(stdClass)#1762 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "zubehor" ["subcategories"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1764 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "zubehor" ["links"]=> array(7) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1765 (2) { ["name"]=> string(10) "reserveset" ["url"]=> string(12) "/reserveset/" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1763 (2) { ["name"]=> string(25) "notlichter und sprayhoods" ["url"]=> string(42) "/notlichter-und-sprayhoods-rettungswesten/" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1761 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "lifelines" ["url"]=> string(25) "/lifeline-rettungswesten/" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1646 (2) { ["name"]=> string(10) "mob-system" ["url"]=> string(27) "/mob-system-rettungswesten/" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1745 (2) { ["name"]=> string(13) "rettungsringe" ["url"]=> string(15) "/rettungsringe/" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1620 (2) { ["name"]=> string(18) "wassersportbrillen" ["url"]=> string(20) "/wassersportbrillen/" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#1687 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "zubehor" ["url"]=> string(9) "/zubehor/" } } } } } [7]=> object(stdClass)#1748 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "wartung" ["subcategories"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1751 (2) { ["name"]=> string(20) "schwimmweste wartung" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1752 (2) { ["name"]=> string(20) "schwimmweste wartung" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1750 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["links"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1749 (2) { ["name"]=> string(31) "schwimmweste oder rettungsweste" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" } } } } } [8]=> object(stdClass)#1640 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["subcategories"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1639 (2) { ["name"]=> string(12) "schwimmweste" ["links"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1634 (2) { ["name"]=> string(31) "schwimmweste oder rettungsweste" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1632 (2) { ["name"]=> string(44) "kinder rettungsweste oder kinderschwimmweste" ["url"]=> string(44) "/kinderschwimmweste-oder-kinderrettungsweste" } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1633 (2) { ["name"]=> string(13) "rettungsweste" ["links"]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1631 (2) { ["name"]=> string(29) "schwimmwest oder rettungswest" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1630 (2) { ["name"]=> string(42) "kinder rettungswest oder kinderschwimmwest" ["url"]=> string(44) "/kinderschwimmweste-oder-kinderrettungsweste" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1629 (2) { ["name"]=> string(22) "wartung rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1623 (2) { ["name"]=> string(3) "B2B" ["url"]=> string(14) "/kundenservice" } } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1628 (2) { ["name"]=> string(8) "auftrieb" ["links"]=> array(5) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1626 (2) { ["name"]=> string(5) "< 50N" ["url"]=> string(42) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste#location1" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1627 (2) { ["name"]=> string(3) "50N" ["url"]=> string(42) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste#location1" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1625 (2) { ["name"]=> string(4) "100N" ["url"]=> string(42) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste#location1" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1624 (2) { ["name"]=> string(11) "150N / 190N" ["url"]=> string(42) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste#location1" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1622 (2) { ["name"]=> string(11) "275N / 300N" ["url"]=> string(42) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste#location1" } } } } } } ["menu_mobile"]=> array(10) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1621 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "kinder" ["subcategories"]=> array(5) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1753 (3) { ["name"]=> string(30) "baby rettungswesten (bis 15kg)" ["url"]=> string(21) "/baby-rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1759 (3) { ["name"]=> string(31) "kinder rettungswesten (15-40kg)" ["url"]=> string(22) "/kinderrettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1701 (3) { ["name"]=> string(33) "automatische kinderrettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(46) "/automatisch-aufblasbare-kinder-rettungsweste/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1755 (3) { ["name"]=> string(18) "schwimmwesten kind" ["url"]=> string(20) "/schwimmwesten-kind/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1757 (3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["url"]=> string(44) "/kinderschwimmweste-oder-kinderrettungsweste" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1758 (2) { ["name"]=> string(13) "schwimmwesten" ["subcategories"]=> array(7) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1756 (3) { ["name"]=> string(18) "alle schwimmwesten" ["url"]=> string(15) "/schwimmwesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1754 (3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "kind" ["url"]=> string(20) "/schwimmwesten-kind/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1608 (3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "damen" ["url"]=> string(21) "/schwimmwesten-damen/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1607 (3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "herren" ["url"]=> string(22) "/schwimmwesten-herren/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1605 (3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "tiere" ["url"]=> string(21) "/tiere-schwimmwesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1606 (3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [6]=> object(stdClass)#1604 (3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "wartung" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1603 (2) { ["name"]=> string(14) "rettungswesten" ["subcategories"]=> array(8) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1601 (3) { ["name"]=> string(19) "alle rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(16) "/rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1602 (3) { ["name"]=> string(19) "baby rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(21) "/baby-rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1600 (3) { ["name"]=> string(21) "kinder rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(22) "/kinderrettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1599 (3) { ["name"]=> string(44) "automatisch aufblasbare kinderrettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(46) "/automatisch-aufblasbare-kinder-rettungsweste/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1598 (3) { ["name"]=> string(19) "alle rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(16) "/rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1592 (3) { ["name"]=> string(43) "alle automatisch aufblasbare rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(40) "/automatisch-aufblasbare-rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [6]=> object(stdClass)#1597 (3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [7]=> object(stdClass)#1595 (3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "wartung" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1596 (2) { ["name"]=> string(19) "industrie & gewerbe" ["subcategories"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1594 (3) { ["name"]=> string(30) "professionelles rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(32) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1593 (3) { ["name"]=> string(22) "rettungswesten wartung" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1591 (2) { ["name"]=> string(19) "sport schwimmwesten" ["subcategories"]=> array(8) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1590 (3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "segeln" ["url"]=> string(45) "/schwimmwesten-und-rettungswesten-fur-segeln/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1589 (3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "boardsport" ["url"]=> string(31) "/schwimmwesten-fur-boardsports/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1587 (3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "surfen" ["url"]=> string(26) "/schwimmwesten-fur-surfen/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1588 (3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "angeln" ["url"]=> string(22) "/schwimmwesten-angeln/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1586 (3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "schnorcheln" ["url"]=> string(31) "/schwimmwesten-fur-schnorcheln/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1585 (3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "jetski" ["url"]=> string(22) "/schwimmwesten-jetski/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [6]=> object(stdClass)#1584 (3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "paddle sports" ["url"]=> string(29) "/schwimmwesten-paddle-sports/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [7]=> object(stdClass)#1581 (3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1583 (2) { ["name"]=> string(6) "marken" ["subcategories"]=> array(12) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1582 (3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "besto" ["url"]=> string(7) "/besto/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1580 (3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "helly hansen" ["url"]=> string(14) "/helly-hansen/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1579 (3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "secumar" ["url"]=> string(9) "/secumar/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1578 (3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "baltic" ["url"]=> string(8) "/baltic/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1575 (3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "spinlock" ["url"]=> string(10) "/spinlock/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1577 (3) { ["name"]=> 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string(10) "reserveset" ["url"]=> string(12) "/reserveset/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1567 (3) { ["name"]=> string(25) "notlichter und sprayhoods" ["url"]=> string(42) "/notlichter-und-sprayhoods-rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1564 (3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "lifelines" ["url"]=> string(25) "/lifeline-rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1566 (3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "mob-system" ["url"]=> string(27) "/mob-system-rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1565 (3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "rettungsringe" ["url"]=> string(15) "/rettungsringe/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1563 (3) { ["name"]=> string(18) "wassersportbrillen" ["url"]=> string(20) "/wassersportbrillen/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [6]=> object(stdClass)#1562 (3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "zubehör" ["url"]=> string(9) "/zubehor/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [7]=> object(stdClass)#1560 (2) { ["name"]=> string(7) "wartung" ["subcategories"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1561 (3) { ["name"]=> string(20) "schwimmweste wartung" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1559 (3) { ["name"]=> string(31) "schwimmweste oder rettungsweste" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [8]=> object(stdClass)#1558 (2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "ratschlag" ["subcategories"]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1557 (3) { ["name"]=> string(31) "schwimmweste oder rettungsweste" ["url"]=> string(32) "/schwimmweste-oder-rettungsweste" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1556 (3) { ["name"]=> string(44) "kinder rettungsweste oder kinderschwimmweste" ["url"]=> string(44) "/kinderschwimmweste-oder-kinderrettungsweste" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1555 (3) { ["name"]=> string(22) "wartung rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(22) "/rettungsweste-wartung" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1554 (3) { ["name"]=> string(3) "b2b" ["url"]=> string(14) "/kundenservice" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [9]=> object(stdClass)#1553 (2) { ["name"]=> string(13) "kundenservice" ["subcategories"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1552 (3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "kontact" ["url"]=> string(8) "/kontakt" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1551 (3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "kundeservice" ["url"]=> string(14) "/kundenservice" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } } ["menu_footer"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1550 (2) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Kategorieen" ["subcategories"]=> array(5) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1549 (3) { ["name"]=> string(18) "Schwimmwesten kind" ["url"]=> string(20) "/schwimmwesten-kind/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1547 (3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Schwimmwesten" ["url"]=> string(15) "/schwimmwesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1548 (3) { ["name"]=> string(14) "Rettungswesten" ["url"]=> string(16) "/rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1546 (3) { ["name"]=> string(28) "Professionele reddingsvesten" ["url"]=> string(30) "/professionele-reddingsvesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1545 (3) { ["name"]=> string(19) "Industrie & gewerbe" ["url"]=> string(32) "/professionelles-rettungswesten/" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1544 (2) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Kundenservice" ["subcategories"]=> array(7) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1543 (3) { ["name"]=> string(3) "AGB" ["url"]=> string(4) "/agb" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> object(stdClass)#1454 (3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Datenschutz" ["url"]=> string(12) "/datenschutz" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> object(stdClass)#1542 (3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Impressum" ["url"]=> string(10) "/impressum" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> object(stdClass)#1540 (3) { ["name"]=> string(22) "Bestellung & Lieferung" ["url"]=> string(24) "/bestellung-und-liefrung" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [4]=> object(stdClass)#1541 (3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Zahlung" ["url"]=> string(8) "/zahlung" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [5]=> object(stdClass)#1539 (3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Rësendung" ["url"]=> string(12) "/rucksendung" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } [6]=> object(stdClass)#1538 (3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Garantie" ["url"]=> string(9) "/garantie" ["links"]=> array(0) { } } } } } }